Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dis King don't rock Karma

I'll start this post off by being very transparent and allowing you to read an email exchange between an former college professor and I. 

Hello Dr. Kruger

Remember me??? One of your favorite marketing students from Bethune-Cookman. I hope all is well and you have enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

I am in the process of applying for the University of Arts in London: London College of Fashion for Postgraduate Certificate Fashion Buying and Merchandising.

To complete my application process, I am requesting a letter of recommendation from you. 

If you should need additional information, please feel free to email me or call me at mnkmason@gmail.com or 202.905.8633. There is also a form I need to send you alongside recommendation. 

I look forward to hearing from you,

Thanks in advance,
Monika Mason

Dear Monika,

You were one of my least favorite marketing students.  I don't like students to argue about their grade and keep asking for a recommendation.  You really DON'T want me to respond.  What goes around comes around.

My apologies for the hardship I caused. I wish you well Dr Kruger. Thank you for a response despite your decline. 

After really digesting what my professor wrote, I had to think back at when I challenged this professor for assignments I worked very hard on thought I deserved a higher grade, or when I didn't think I was getting my moneys worth of an education at an HBCU (this can be another topic on its own). I can totally understand her disgruntled response to my request. I do not regret my past behavior but I am remorseful for making your job of teaching me a little bit more lets say your job challenging. I apologized via email because I know I was not a Christian at the time (who was seeking a relationship with Christ) which means that my choice words of defending my grades could've have been not the best way to communicate my point. 

But the teaching moment through this all is that Christ never keeps a record track of our wrongdoings. God forgives and
He does so due to His unmerited favor and mercy upon us. 

Here’s my point: 
Once we face and confess our sins, our God chooses to forgive and purify us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). 

He chooses to remove our sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). 

He chooses to hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19). 

"Because of the blood of Jesus, we don’t have to live in sin, defeat, guilt, and condemnation any longer. In short, God forgives and forgets." (Inserts from http://stevemurrell.com/194)

Dear God,
I thank you being able to come to you with anything, I thank you for allowing me to repent my sins to you and you forgiving me every time. I thank you for your grace and mercy that has kept me over and over from destruction. In Jesus name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. Monika! I'm behind on my blog reading so I just got to this~ woman block out your info! im scared for you
