The male eagle takes interest in the female eagle when he is around three years old. A game of tag between the male and female eagle begins. This could last for days. The eagle tests, before it trusts. The female eagle takes a stick up in the air, approximately 8 to 10 thousand feet high in a three dimensional figure eight pattern and drops the stick from this height, and the male eagle has to catch the stick before it touches the ground. The male eagle has to then return the stick back to the female eagle. The female eagle, each time, flies a little lower and faster with a larger stick. The game climaxes when the female eagle is less than 500 ft. from the ground and she drops the stick. At this point, the male eagle has to catch the stick before it touches the ground. If not, the female eagle will chase the male eagle off. If the male eagle catches the stick, the female eagle is satisfied that he will be able to catch the falling eaglets, while teaching them to fly, thus assuring her that he will make a fit husband, which shows commitment. Only then, will she allow him to mate with her! Whether in private life or in business, one should test the commitment of people intended for partnership.
After reading this explanation, many things came to mind. But I will address one thing; Settling.
Can your potential mate carry his weight?
Often females in this society settle, never testing the strength of the commitment of the relationship. Only to find out when its time for the male to catch the "stick" he drops it. If he couldn't attempt to succeed in the easiest of the test why would be able to in the midst of the most difficult of them? Could it be that this male just isn't ready? Possibly, but thats not for you to wonder. As females, that should be a clear indicator to refuse what we think is good and wait for God's best. Eagles have a strong vision that is 4 times sharper than a human. A man should be able to know his vision for his family and be able to carry it out.
And the Bible says, "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
“I've always believed the greater danger is not aiming too high, but too low, settling for a bogey rather than shooting for an eagle” (Peter Scout) In retrospect, "Don't quack like a duck, soar like an eagle." (Ken Blanchard)