Thursday, August 26, 2010

Material Girl

Just throw it in the bag...I want it all.

I like nice things. I mean I really really really really can't help myself sometimes. I buy buy buy anything I like from shoes, clothes, purses, without the impulse of thinking. It pulls me in every time like I'm hypnotized. What am I going to get next? Thats cute!!! Thats cute I gotta have that. Hebrews 13:5, "Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,”"

Yes!!! That is deep. I'm thinking to myself like hold up God...wait a minute; Are you trying to tell me I can't be fly so effortlessly? God is not necessarily saying I can't have nice this but I shouldn't be consumed by nice things either. After reading, I ignored the passage and went on with life. Then this week God spoke to me about financial management. My big bro was firm and helped me to understand how important it is to be a better steward with my money. I appreciate having him in my life because he made me realize that all those nice things will be there but having a savings account and being prepared for rough times is important. So starting next paycheck is my journey to tithing and saving.

To help me with this goal I will be using to help track what I spend and what I am saving.

Fighting Temptation

It was not too long ago I read a passage from Jeanne Mayo blog and have been pondering on it ever since. "Accept your share of moral responsibility for purity. Don’t ask the Lord to take temptation away when you don’t want to walk away from temptation inviters."

Then weeks later I stumble across this passage in the bible that intertwined with the quote above.

He said to his disciples, “Hard trials and temptations are bound to come, but too bad for whoever brings them on!
Luke 17:1(MSG)

And sign after sign I read an insert from Joshua Harris, "We can only attain righteousness by doing two things-destroying sin in its embryonic stage and fleeing temptation."

So to conclude "Fighting Temptation" is not easy and sometimes it can be a day by day fight. But I know God is on my side to the very end and I trust that he'll subdue these temptations.

Creature or Creator
A Man thats not guarantee or Jesus giving new life... set free
Now or Later
Pride or Savior
Pleasure turned into to confusion because you couldn't wait or Patience of God granting us our desires he knows our hearts and he awaits you
Justifying your flesh or Glorifying The King
There should be no choice here because the choice is to choose life eternity
Lets live for Christ

Thursday, August 5, 2010

For you I Live.....because you died

John 3:16 says...For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

I'm ready for what burdens me to become someones blessing so therefore there is no room for concernment but me progressing to that goal the kingdom, heaven

And while my time is well spent in this earthly form I desire servitude for all humankind stimulating Salvation reform eager to chronicalize the story of Son of man born.
Beginning from the very top of the mountain, Genesis to Revelation and the in between Gospels of a Man who came to save all, to have everlasting life, to defend our tranquility these no one to compare He's not just a Prophet he is the Messiah the one who saved, died rose again in 3 days 2nights.

Let day by day be a journey for your will to be done. To continue to believe because just giving my life to you that day I decided to live for you solely was never enough but perseverance is the thing that you just love. Exemplification of the dedication like Paul....just cant get enough.

I'm ready to be diligent to thee end. The end of time when you'll come back to not just for me but the whole colloso of Christian mankind. Those who manifested in you daily and sharing there faith letting their light shine

For you I live....because you died